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This series is inspired by pagan practices that celebrate the gathering of crops during harvest season. By depicting fruitful flowers, vegetation and funghi that carry symbolic meanings associated with fertility, abundance, and vitality, these figurative works reference faerie folklore from agricultural rural areas where mythical sprites living beneath ground are said to serve as soil stewards aiding the healthy growth of plant life by attentively pinching roots, vines and flower buds that aid in their bloom.
Shutterbug2023 assemblage 15” x 10” x 3.5” | Grow To Great Lengths2023 assemblage 22" x 19" x 5" | The Great Pumpkin2023 assemblage 24.5” x 11” x 6” |
There Are Faeries Among Us2023 assemblage 19” x 10” x 4” | Weigh In the Balance2023 assemblage 22" x 14" x 4" | Wallflower2023 assemblage 17” x 8” x 5” |
Faye and Frog2024 assemblage 7" x 4" x 4" | Tears of Joy2024 assemblage 15” x 11” x 7" | Bethany and Bee2024 assemblage 7" x 5" x 4" |
Layla and Ladybugs2024 assemblage 5" x 4" x 4" | Berta and Bird2024 assemblage 6" x 6" x 3" | Bette and Butterfly2024 assemblage 6" x 5" x 4" |
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