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Full Steam
Steampunk is a term for a fantastical subculture featuring inventions and styles of a Victorian era science fiction. I have intriniscally embraced the aesthetic and my work more often than not innately gravitates towards it.
Reverie2014 Assemblage 20.5" x 14" x 4.5" | Monkey See, Monkey Do2014 Assemblage 21.5” x 10” x 7” | After the Wandering Home2014 Assemblage 12” x 7.5” x 4” |
Fishing For Answers2014 Assemblage 13” x 9.5” x 5” | I Want to Hold the Hand Inside You2014 Assemblage 14.5" x 13” x 6" | Distance is Relative2014 Assemblage 14" x 11" x 3" |
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