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Reflected Spirits
My personal bond to animals is depicted in this series by combining clay and found objects with doll and humanely obtained animal parts, uniftying the human condition with an animal's virtue.
The Leaves Rustle With Mischiefjpg2015 Assemblage 14" x 18" x 7" | Awakened By The Midnight2015 Assemblage 30" x 11" X 5" | Tell Me We Both Met At Dawn2015 Assemblage 23" x 21" x 9" |
This Timeless Undercurrent2015 Assemblage 20" x 20" x 15" | Her Soul Serenades the Sea2015 Assemblage 23.5" x 17" x 9" | Hover Within This Moment2015 Assemblage 22" x 13" x 3" |
It Was Only A Mirage2016 assemblage commission | Making Heads & Tails of the Heart2016 Assemblage commission |
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